Keeping Pets Safe with Prelit Christmas Trees

Prelit Christmas trees, or any Christmas tree for that matter, can be a fascination for your pets. You may find that once you put this up that they are attracting to all those beautiful lights in more ways than one. There have been several pet owners who find that their cats may not leave the tree alone, and neither will their dogs. What can pets do to artificial trees? There are some definite horror stories that are out there. These stories may include a cat that knocked over the entire tree by climbing up it, dogs that mark their territory on these trees creating a mess and a small, or even pets who break and eat the décor that you put onto these trees.

How can you keep your pets safe

So, how can you keep your pets safe and your prelit Christmas trees safe from pets? Here are a few ideas!

1. Consider investing into a gate that you put around your Christmas tree to keep your pets out of it. This works well for those who are dealing with dogs, not so well for those who have cats who love to climb.

2. Put those ornaments that dangle off the bottom of the tree. This way you have nothing that is hanging there for the cats or dogs to be tempted to grab.

3. Discourage pets from marking their territory on these by simply monitoring them or investing into a scent that keeps them from doing this.

4. Do not let your pets chew on the lights, as this does pose an electrical hazard. If you see a pet try to do this, then reprimand them so that they know this is not a chew toy.

Prelit Christmas trees are super easy to have in your home, but when you have pets, you may need to take a few extra precautions.