Flocked Christmas Trees: A Theme Kids Will Love

For those with children, when Christmas rolls around, there is a ton of excitement that is coming from these kids. They are excited about the presents that Santa will bring them; they are excited about being on break from school, seeing their extended family members, and so much more. Of course, this is also the time of year in which kids are more than likely on a sugar high thanks to all the sweet treats that are served during Christmas!

How to Decorate a Flocked Tree for Kids

For parents who are looking to ensure that their flocked Christmas trees are going to be something that is exciting, then choosing a theme that the kids are going to love is essential. One of these themes is the North Pole Party theme. When kids think about Christmas, they think of Santa, snowmen, candy canes, elves and the like. This theme takes your flocked Christmas trees to a party level that will definitely excite children…and some parents!

The colors of this tree are going to be the traditional red and green. After all, Santa is all about red and green. While you can go with red and green bulbs throughout the tree, the real key to this North Pole Party theme is the quirky ornaments that you can find to highlight different figures of Christmas. This means finding some funny Santa ornaments, funny elves that you can hang on the tree, and even funny Snowman to hang up. You want to make this fun and lighthearted.

Use the red and green bulbs that you find to fill any empty space. However, take this a step further by choosing some non-traditional types of bulb ornaments that may be in the shape of spinners. You will also find that candy canes make a great addition to the tree as well.